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Home > FAIRS & FESTIVALS > Festival - Santa Maria Strawberry Festival > Performers - SF

Performers - SF

Come Show off Your Talents!

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You are invited to apply to perform at the 2025 Santa Maria Valley Strawberry Festival which is scheduled for April 25th - 27th.

This event features a variety of on-stage musical entertainment and dancing choreography throughout the day, and into the night. This is your opportunity to expose you and/or your group to thousands of event attendees. Performances are for the purpose of showcasing local and community talents and are uncompensated.

If you are selected, you could be selected to be highlighted on our promotional material and on our website. So, don't delay, apply today, and show off your talents to the thousands of festival goers.

Just fill out the application and return to this office or email to fairsandfestivals@santamariafairpark.com. We encourage you to apply and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Priority will be given to applicants who submit social media handles, media kits or additional promotional materials.

Performance Application - Strawberry Festival 2025

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